Visitation Guidelines

The resident has a right to receive visitors of his or her choosing at the time of his or her choosing subject to the resident’s right to deny visitation when applicable, and in a manner that does not impose on the rights of another resident.

  • The facility will encourage resident visits with family and friends, if the resident wishes to accept visitors.
  • The resident may entertain family and visitors in their rooms or may have guests in designated common areas.
  • The residents with visitors will have privacy respected during visits.
  • If the resident with visitors has a roommate(s), visits should be planned so as not to infringe upon the privacy of the roommate.
  • The personal safety of all residents and staff will be a priority.
  • Consensual physical contact is allowed between a resident and a visitor.
The facility will provide immediate access to any resident by the following:
  • Any representative of the Secretary
  • Any representative of the State
  • Any representative of the Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman
  • The resident’s physician
  • Any representative of the protection and advocacy systems as designated by the State.
  • Any representative of the agency responsible for the protection and advocacy system for individuals with a mental disorder
  • The resident representative
  • Immediate family and other relatives, subject to the resident’s right to deny or withdraw consent at any time.
  • Others who are visiting the resident with the consent of the resident, subject to reasonable clinical and safety restrictions and the resident’s right to deny or withdraw consent at any time.
The facility will allow in-person visitation in all of the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
  1. End-of-life situations.
  2. A resident, client, or patient who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support.
  3. The resident, client, or patient is making one or more major medical decisions.
  4. A resident, client, or patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.
  5. A resident, client, or patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.
  6. A resident, client, or patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking. This all added to mirror the regulation since the first paragraph of the policy was not interpreted as was intended to cover all of this.


  1. Visitors will be encouraged to visit during the facility’s usual business hours out of consideration for the privacy of all residents and so as not to interfere with the scheduled personal care, sleep time, and activities of all residents.  The resident has a right to receive visitors of his or her choosing at the time of his or her choosing subject to the resident’s right to deny visitation when applicable, and in a manner that does not impose on the rights of another resident.
  2. Visitors will enter the facility through the designated main entrance during business hours and will sign in according to facility protocol.
  3. Visitors who enter the facility after usual business hours will use the designated and secured “off hours” entrance.
  4. There will be no time limit placed on the length of a visit except by the resident.   Out of consideration for other residents and their privacy – visitors or family may not spend the night.  However, under special circumstances and if the resident’s room is a private room, the Administrator may give permission for the resident’s family member(s) to spend the night for a limited period.
  5. The number of visitors allowed at a time will not be restricted unless this number interferes with the rights of others or causes any disruption.  The Administrator will ask any unruly or disruptive visitors or groups of visitors in sufficient numbers to infringe upon the rights of other residents to leave the premises.
  6. The facility Infection Preventionist will be designated as the person responsible for the ongoing adherence to policies and procedure related to Infection Control and the IP/designee will provide staff, residents and visitors with any education as needed related to Infection Control policies or practices. Visitors will be educated in the facility’s policies of Core Principles of Infection Control which will include but is not limited to:  General Infection Control Practices related to the particular infection, Handwashing and Hand Hygiene, Isolation precautions including doffing and donning PPE.
  7. Visitors who are unwilling to adhere to the applicable Core Principles of Infection Control may be asked to leave.    Screening, personal protective equipment and other infection control protocols will be in accordance with State and Federal Infection Control guidelines.
  8. Visitors will not be compelled to show or provide proof of any vaccination or immunization status to gain entry into the facility or visit any resident.
  9. Resident visitation may be limited only under the following circumstances:
    • With a specific request by the resident or resident representative (on behalf of an incapacitated resident) is made.
    • If a physician order has been received to temporarily limit visitation due to medical necessity.
    • Upon guidance from the Florida Department of Health.
      Compassionate Care visits to include end-of-life visits, will always be allowed.
  10. Staff will refuse entry to a visitor and will immediately notify local law enforcement (call 911) and the Administrator if there is a concern for resident or staff safety or a threat has been made by a visitor toward staff or residents.
  11. If a visitor is already inside the facility and there becomes a concern for resident or staff safety related to this visitor or a threat has been made by this visitor toward staff or residents, staff will immediately notify local law enforcement (call 911) and the Administrator.
  12. The Administrator is responsible for staff adherence to visitation policies and procedures.

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(352) 854-8200

9848 SW 110th Street
Ocala, FL 34481

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